Lo-Fi Beta Testing

To validate the concept, a beta test was first conducted without the robotic arm. In this experiment, a human, an iPhone torch, a template, a stand, a camera and a tripod were used.

The template was rotated at approximately 20° intervals through 180°, pivoting on the stand. At each rotation, a long exposure image was taken on the camera and the human moved the light around the frame. Once this sequence was complete, the images were manually compiled in a video editing software to create the beta test animation.

Steps Carried Out

  1. Mount camera on tripod & template about stand
  2. Open camera shutter
  3. Trace image with a torch
  4. Close camera shutter
  5. Rotate template approximately 20° about stand
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5
  7. Import images
  8. Compile images

Click here to watch the beta testing video.