Code Execution On Real Panda Robot

This section explains how to run the python code on a real Franka Emika Panda Robot. Before attempting, please follow the setup instructions in the getting started section.

Setting Up Panda Robot

First, release the brakes by making sure the external activation device (EAD) is pressed down. Then, in the controller web interface, click to open brakes. A clicking sound will be heard indicating the EAD button needs to be released. After releasing the EAD button, the LED light will turn white, ready to be used.

Note Remember to always have a designated person holding the safety stop to prevent damage to the robot during an error.

Controlling Franka & ROS

With libfranka and franka_ros installed in the real-time Linux kernel, the following steps should be carried to set up the robot.

  1. Open terminal and type cd franka_ws
  2. Then, type source /devel/setup.bash
  3. Split the terminal into 5 terminals.

In the following order, type in these commands in the respective terminals.

In terminal 1 type      $roscore

In terminal 2 type      $roslaunch franka_control franka_control.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true

In terminal 3 type      $roslaunch panda_moveit_config panda_moveit.launchcontroller:=position

In terminal 4 type      $roslaunch panda_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch

Executing pandaLightPaint

The system is now ready to run the pandaLightPaint code

In terminal 5 navigate to the folder where you sorted the python code and type

The robot should begin drawing the frames in the same way as in the simulation. Please refer to the other guide sections for further information on physical set up of the robot.